The guide to public speaking!
With 15 years' experience in public speaking, the Brightness team has coached some of the world's greatest public speakers. Discover the Brightness method in this free guide.
A virtual coach to prepare your talk
The Brightness virtual coach offers a new experience thanks to advances in AI.
Generate inspiring speeches with Brightness AI.
Brightness AI generates speeches automatically. Try it out!
New edition of the guide to Generative AI in the enterprise
This guide is a compass! Master the art of ChatGPT by designing prompts. Discover how generative AI transforms everyday life with productivity applications. Harness a second brain for simplified access to knowledge. Understand how virtual experts and chatbots are redefining interaction with information. Explore the frontier where AI assists software development and create tailor-made applications using AI thought chains.
Read and write 10x faster (and better) with Brightness|AI
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of text you have to read and write in your daily work life? Are you looking for a way to improve your productivity and the quality of your content? Look no further, the Brightness platform is here to help you read and write 10 times faster and better thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).