Engaging your corporate communities

Leadership through IKIGAI

Engaged employees, learning organizations, co-creation, decentralized decision-making and agility; give your communities the power to transform!

"Companies must make their communities emerge and shine, putting them at the heart of decisions. The power of the collective is still untapped for many."

Michel Levy Provençal, Co-founder of Brightness
and founder of TEDxParis.

There is no longer any debate, the technological, social and environmental revolutions are forcing all organisations to transform themselves, and urgently. And this transformation must start with people, the teams that make up these organisations have the power, together, to find solutions and shake up the status quo. 

But when in France, only 6% of employees consider themselves actively engaged in their company (Gallup, 2018), we face a major challenge.

How to mobilise, engage and stimulate employees to benefit from the power of collective intelligence? How can we move from the injunction to transform to intention? And from intention to action?
The answer lies in communities.



years of experience


1 000

expert speakers in our network to animate your communities


A to Z

We accompany you at every stage, from the audit of your communities to the construction, strategy, animation and production of content or events. Our support is tailored to your needs.

Possible formats


Get inspired

TALK - 30mn

Getting started





SPRINT - Weeks


Our SPRINT methodology in 4 steps


Analysis and evaluation of your communities (purpose, functioning, strengths, obstacles...). Recommendations and identification of a pilot community to move forward.


Building a community: leaders, roles, missions, tools, functioning.
Definition of its editorial line and its identity elements.


Recommendations for actions and general principles to deploy, lead and communicate internally and externally.


Recommendations for actions and general principles to deploy, lead and communicate internally and externally.


Customer cases

- Audit of 4 pilot communities and recommendations
- Ideation workshop to build an editorial line for the global community
- Recommendations for actions and guidelines per community
- Structuring and leading an editorial committee and a braintrust
- Logo and recommendations on building the communities' identity

- Diagnostic and ideation workshop for each community
- Recommendations for action, an editorial line and a facilitation programme for each community
- Guidelines for everything you need to know about community structuring and facilitation


Our white paper on Communities

Integration Block
Add an integration URL or code. Read more about this

In the press


Transform your events into digital experiences


#Covid-19: Accelerating the transformation of our ways of working