Attract, retain, engage your teams!

We support you in the design and implementation of training and development programmes for your employees. We put our experience in developing and leading your communities at the service of your organisation to acculturate, train, federate, engage and create meaning.


Distance becomes an opportunity

Today, more than ever, human resources departments are at the heart of the transformation of companies. They are rethinking working methods, accompanying employees in their development, acculturating, federating, training, engaging, building loyalty... and, since the health crisis, they have to do it remotely.

Perceived as a constraint, distance learning can be a real opportunity. It canextend audiences, overcome distances, limit ecological impact and simplify access to prestigious speakers.

Rethinking distance learning, redefining the modalities and programmes of your corporate university, designing and producing training and transformation programmes; Brightness helps you to rethink training as a real digital, hybrid or face-to-face experience.

  • Learning strategy and corporate university

  • Creation of tailor-made training programmes

  • Animation of businesscommunities

  • Creation of inter-community programmes and events

  • Expert identification and co-creation oftraining engineering

  • Acculturation programme


Manifesto for Communities

The power of communities.
The present time urges all actors in society to imagine new ways to respond to the social and environmental emergency. The accumulation of crises invites us to compensate for the progressive destruction of our natural resources and social ties. The solutions that are emerging are to be found where the economic levers are most powerful: in companies.

They bring together the most efficient resources, people and networks. They are best placed to respond to the challenges of our time. But to transform society, their role must be rethought. More and more companies are realising this, as evidenced by the latest annual letter to leaders from Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock. They must build a new sustainable business model, define themselves by a raison d'être and assign themselves a global transformation mission that responds to the challenges of society, the demands of their customers and the expectations of their shareholders.

At the same time, they must imagine a new way of engaging their workforce. Today, disengagement levels are reaching record levels. Only 6% of French employees declare themselves to be engaged at work. In order to meet this challenge, more and more organisations are opting to implement internal communities that enable emulation, knowledge sharing and alignment between vocation, passion and mission.

Ten years of experience with communities on the Internet have shown the benefits of these forms of cooperation. The exponential power of the network is deployed on a human scale and allows the benefits of collective intelligence to be fully realised. This has been done, for example, in famous communities such as Linux, Wikipedia or TEDx.

Today, several pioneering companies are taking these approaches as a model. To build such an approach, the entire organisation must be involved: general management, operational management and the teams responsible for human resources. The latter have the onerous task of cultivating the most important resource in our organisations: people, the ultimate accelerator or brake of any transformation.

Michel Levy Provençal
Co-founder of Brightness
Founder of TEDxParis


Discover the Brightness offering dedicated to the engagement and animation of corporate communities.Discover the Brightness offering dedicated to the engagement and animation of corporate communities.



Brightness was born in and by unique communities around the world. Brightness has been a partner of TEDxParis since their creation in 2009.

In 2013, Brightness gave birth to L'Echappée Volée, the first do-tank for innovation for the common good, which went international in 2018 with the creation of Boma, the first global network dedicated to learning and positive impact.

Our uniqueness lies in our passion and commitment to these communities. We help them to grow, to shine, and to generate new ideas for the common good.



We have built a methodology inspired by research, and rooted in our experience of more than ten years of creating and facilitating communities.

We delved into anthropology, political science and sociology to identify how best to engage individuals and communities in the preservation and development of common resources.

Combined with our rich experience in inspiring, animating and spreading communities, this approach has enabled us to design a unique method for diagnosing, structuring and deploying communities.



Brightness helps you to restore your curiosity, enthusiasm and creativity to your top qualities and those of your teams.

Our community building and facilitation programmes are tailor-made to support the transformation of your entire organisation over the long term.

On a more occasional basis, our training courses, events and experiences enable us to better understand, initiate and support the major transformations experienced by companies today.



Benefit from the best public speaking coaching. Don't settle for a pale imitation.


Inspire, shape and transform your organisation by creating unique moments for your teams at an event.


Brightness' mission is to develop human potential to support sustainable business growth.

Joseph Membré

Passionate about beautiful brands and branding, I fell in love with webdesign in 2012. Since then, I've been helping my clients create their brand, and their online presence. A fervent supporter of Squarespace and Shopify - I help spread the word about these platforms that have clearly changed the game in the world of webdesign. Always on the lookout, I'm constantly learning about the latest web tools and trends to stay on top of things.

How to thrive at public speaking?


The Learning by Brightness methodology