Advice from the creators of TEDxParis

Don't be satisfied with a pale imitation, benefit from the best support for speaking with our individual and group training courses, face-to-face or at a distance.


Anyone can become a good speaker

The most successful organisations have realised that today the ability to inspire is a key quality and that winning hearts and minds in the 21st century is about mastering storytelling and orality.

We tend to believe that there are born orators with natural charisma and others whose cradles the orality fairies have forgotten. However, anyone can become a good speaker, as long as they want to convey a message, practice and follow the right method. With its training courses, Brightness helps you become a speaker worthy of the best TED Talks.

Train yourself, even from a distance!

Our training courses are also delivered at a distance, individually or collectively, by our experts in public speaking.

For more than 10 years, more than 20% of the coaching provided to our clients, TEDxParis, L'Echappée Volée and Boma, has been done by videoconference.


Coaching adapted to online speaking

Are you going to speak during a video conference presentation or a live webinar? We can assist you from the design of your message to your presentation and your remote staging.

" Become a speaker worthy of the best TED Talks, be inspiring and persuasive, impact your audience. "
- Brightness
The secret of the best speakers - The brighness method.png

Public speaking


By Michel Levy Provençal - Éditions Larousse

Having trained a thousand speakers, Michel Levy Provençal, co-founder of the Brightness agency, has put in place the tools to become an outstanding speaker. Because contrary to popular belief, public speaking is not a gift. It depends on simple principles, sometimes tricks, and serious preparation.

Joseph Membré

Passionate about beautiful brands and branding, I fell in love with webdesign in 2012. Since then, I've been helping my clients create their brand, and their online presence. A fervent supporter of Squarespace and Shopify - I help spread the word about these platforms that have clearly changed the game in the world of webdesign. Always on the lookout, I'm constantly learning about the latest web tools and trends to stay on top of things.

Our 5 most memorable and inspiring TEDx talks on technology


How to thrive at public speaking?