Analysis of Talk - Odile Fillod, monologue of the clitoris


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of TEDxParis, Odile Fillod offers us a dive into the unknown on the stage of the Grand Rex.


It was an opportunity to meet others but also to meet oneself. By talking about the clitoris as a stranger, Odile Fillod surprised, made people laugh but also and above all raised awareness on a subject that has major social consequences.

A (very) surprising subject

Some subjects are more unexpected than others... Odile Fillod's is one of them! Talking about the clitoris and female pleasure in front of thousands of people is far from easy. And in order to capture attention by going straight to the heart of the matter, the first sentence announces the colour: "What would you say about diagrams of the genital anatomy omitting an erectile organ of about 10 cm in length? ». Bringing up the subject in a straightforward manner avoids the embarrassment it might otherwise cause.

Going beyond the surprise

The most difficult thing about such a subject is to go beyond the astonishment, or even the laughter, of the audience to emphasise the substance of the subject, which Odile Fillod manages to do perfectly. To do this, she evokes the various consequences of this lack of knowledge of the clitoris, sociological consequences in particular when she states: "It is therefore also a heteronormative and inegalitarian social context which means that the clitoris remains unknown. ». Little by little, surprise gives way to the awareness that we are facing a real social problem.

The art of demonstration

In the second part of her speech, Odile Fillod uses a clitoris that she has modelled in 3D to demonstrate her point. Thanks to this method, she is very explicit and makes it very easy for the audience to follow. It is a real live lesson. The visual support, fully synchronised with the words spoken, reinforces her presentation and makes a more lasting impression. The clitoris is no longer an unknown!


Brightness, a historical partner of TEDxParis since its creation.


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