Talk Analysis - Françoise Gaill, life in the abyss


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of TEDxParis, Françoise Gaill offers us a dive into the unknown on the stage of the Grand Rex.


The oceanographer Françoise Gaill chooses to take us on a journey to the depths of the sea, not just to dream but above all to share with us strong convictions, rooted in her past experiences.

Be concrete to make people dream

The deep sea holds secrets that are little known to the general public, such as chemosynthesis, which Françoise Gaill mentions at the beginning of her TED Talk. However, every researcher faces the difficulty of making a complex concept easily understood... like chemosynthesis.

In order not to lose her audience, the speaker asked the question explicitly: "So what is chemosynthesis? Then, in simple words, she defines the concept.

The ethos or the image sent back by the speaker

Every speaker who speaks sends back an image of himself, it is inevitable. This image can be that of a serious person, an anxious person, a self-confident person, a relaxed person... In ancient Greece, the Greek speakers called this ethos.

Françoise Gaill's ethos would be that of an expert in her subject (and how so, considering her CV!), calm (well anchored on the stage and with a calm voice, she appears very at ease) and passionate about her subject like an excellent teacher! We can feel that she is delighted to share her knowledge and this is what makes her speech captivating.

Strong convictions

Françoise Gaill is a storyteller. She recounts her first dive in 1982, shows the extravagant creatures that inhabit our oceans and explains the absurdity of doing a thesis on the oceans without ever feeling "the taste of salt water". But through these experiences, strong convictions are shared.

The speaker stated, for example, that the ocean remains an unknown that requires immediate attention, that life on Mars and Venus could exist even under the hostile conditions that characterise them, and that global warming is not inevitable in view of the discoveries made in the deep sea.


Brightness, a historical partner of TEDxParis since its creation.


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