Designing your event remotely


In times of social distancing, how do you manage your events?

In this period of social distancing, how can we rethink our "physical" events, virtually?
How can we mobilize our audience at a distance?
What content should we propose?
How should we design and organize them?
What should be the sequence of events, which platforms?


These are questions that many companies ask themselves and that we help them answer. We put our 10 years of experience in designing and organising off and online events at your disposal to design and organise your high-impact virtual experiences.


The current crisis is forcing us to accelerate the transformation of our working methods and to learn to collaborate, think, discuss and live at a distance. But paradoxically, this constraint creates a strong need to get together, to exchange, to co-create, and fortunately, digital allows us to continue to do so, just differently.


We are convinced that digital technology gives a new dimension to events.

More respectful of climate issues, more flexible, more frugal, more amplified, more multi-channel, more sustainable, we could draw up a long list of advantages to organising your event remotely. Let's see this constraint as an opportunity to re-invent your events and content and give them a new dimension.


Our expertise


Our solutions


Live streaming solution with branded branding. Broadcast live on a private or public platform, on social networks and create content to enrich your catalogue on demand.



Online training and workshop facilitation solution. Broadcast your program live or pre-recorded. Ask the room via chat or polls. Broadcast your slides. No software installation, 100% web-based solution.



Innovative 100% web-based solution for creating virtual workshops and networking events. Create your own live event environment with your own branded look and feel. Broadcast live on a private or public platform, on social networks and create your own content to enrich your catalogue on demand.



Immersive 3D solution to offer a virtual space in which participants visit: conference areas, meeting zones, networking areas... Offer a futuristic interactive experience to your audience.



Our team is constantly looking for new tools and offers you the best solutions to transform your physical events into virtual meetings.



Our 10 commandments for a successful remote event



Thou shalt not copy the face-to-face

The main danger? Trying to replicate an event that usually takes place face-to-face in digital format. Even if these two "universes" can fulfil the same objectives, they do not have the same modes of interaction and operation. A 3-day non-stop seminar, for example, cannot be reproduced in the same way in terms of duration, operation, or even content. You have to adapt to digital and make the most of it to bring value. It is therefore necessary to rethink the key objectives of the event through the prism of digital.



But the same requirement, you will keep

Inviting participants, welcoming them, guiding them, helping them if necessary, entertaining them at certain times, ensuring that they attend the event in the best possible conditions... everything that you pay attention to in person must also be in your "virtual specifications"! 

Paying attention to a good connection of the transmitters, taking care of the welcome, managing the speakers "behind the scenes", making sure that participants who have difficulties to attend are supported... all these details are very important!



Thou shalt build the emotional curve

The "emotional curve" has been our trademark for 10 years. Whether it's TEDxParis, Boma or events organised for our clients, we make it a point of honour to design programmes that take the participant through different emotions and lead him or her to a certain reflection. The content is worked on and prepared in advance to ensure its relevance and balance, and it is sequenced to create rhythm and capture attention.



You will communicate in your brand's colours

Most videoconferencing tools use standard functions that do not allow for the integration of a brand universe. In contrast to these standard tools, we offer you an innovative, customisable solution, allowing you to dress up your programmes in your own colours (charter, logos, visuals, jingle, etc.). Example here.



You will ensure the rhythm and interactivity

Pace is key. And interactivity, from a distance, is very often essential to capture attention. Depending on the format and purpose of the event, we adopt different animation and facilitation techniques to encourage sharing with the audience. Questions to the speakers, sharing between participants, polls, votes... Here again, digital technology offers a wealth of possibilities for creating rhythm and commitment.



Thou shalt prepare for "remote" public speaking

In the same way that one prepares before stepping onto the stage of a lecture theatre, it is essential to prepare before speaking in a webinar or other virtual event. Speaking in front of a "computer" can be confusing and practice, preparing your "stage" from a distance and your key message allows you to be more at ease and therefore more effective.

We coach all our speakers in remote speaking via one-on-one consulting or group masterclasses with our own method, that of all TEDxParis speakers.



You will master the technique

Depending on the audience and the context, the tools and techniques must be carefully chosen and mastered.

Knowing your participants: their environment, their connection, their knowledge of the tools and their comfort with a particular platform will guide your technical choices: tools, transmission mode, time slot, duration, type of animation, etc.



You will become part of your global ecosystem

The event must be integrated into the company's overall ecosystem, both in terms of tools and interactions.

Using multiple channels allows for a holistic participant experience, provided the right channels are used for the right purposes.



Thou shalt measure KPIs

Audience tracking, number of views, number of interactions, digital has the advantage of tracking precise measurements to allow you to improve your event, and the next one!


Do you need more commands or personal advice?
Don't hesitate, let's do a little video!

Joseph Membré

Passionate about beautiful brands and branding, I fell in love with webdesign in 2012. Since then, I've been helping my clients create their brand, and their online presence. A fervent supporter of Squarespace and Shopify - I help spread the word about these platforms that have clearly changed the game in the world of webdesign. Always on the lookout, I'm constantly learning about the latest web tools and trends to stay on top of things.

Co-create your events with Brightness


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