Focus - The debate


Laurent Alexandre and Jean-Michel Besnier in the midst of a debate on immortality

- The Stolen Loophole 2016


Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a debate...

The debate of ideas is in the air... but it is not new! It all began over 2,500 years ago. In the cities of ancient Greece, some citizens met in public squares to discuss matters relating to the life of their city... this was the birth of democracy.

And it is no coincidence that Plato's books take the form of argued dialogues. These allow us to move more quickly and efficiently towards the truth.

Throughout history, debate has had its moments of glory, with the literary salons of the Ancien Régime for example, but also difficult moments with memorable sword duels between French MPs. Today, the French are invited to debate on the occasion of the Grand Débat national. We are convinced that the debate of ideas is an essential part of any collective project.


29 August 1789

The Journal des Débats was created shortly after the first meetings of the Estates General.


21 April 1967

Last duel with swords between Gaston Defferre and René Ribière, two French deputies.


Chapter 2

When the debate comes to the company

According to the barometer conducted by the BVA institute and Bluenove in 2018, the company is perceived as lagging behind in the sharing of ideas between employees and thus the co-construction of concrete solutions. And if 71% of company managers say they are satisfied with the attention they pay to their employees' opinions... only 25% of them feel they are really listened to.

However, the long-term commitment and motivation of employees depend on the possibility of defending their convictions freely, listening to those of others and finding strong consensual agreements. Organising debates on ideas means taking a gamble on collective intelligence in a benevolent and fun way.

We are convinced that through their economic power and social influence, companies have a responsibility to engage on issues that are debated in society. The debate of ideas should no longer be seen as a risk but as a means of explaining one's choices, confronting them with society and finding solutions for the common good.


97 billion

estimated for the cost of disengagement from work in France for the year 2018.



of French employees feel frankly disengaged and express their dissatisfaction.


Chapter 3

A caring and fun format

A somewhat dusty image still clings to the skin of the debate ... and for good reason, the round table format is out of date. Our debate of ideas takes the form of a fun serious game, either during a training day or during a large public event.

Employees can play their own role , but also put themselves in the shoes of their worst opponent! Together with the organisation, we choose a single topic: the motion to be debated.

On the basis of this motion, two teams compete against each other with arguments. They have the opportunity to refute each idea put forward and to ask questions to clarify points that are contentious or that they consider unacceptable. A jury listens to all the exchanges and gives its verdict by designating the team that wins the debate.


Example 1

Artificial intelligence will destroy all unskilled jobs.

Example 2

This company is considering banning mobile phones in meetings.

Example 3

This team is in favour of the flex office.


Chapter 4

Dare to speak out and convince!

Defending one's ideas and convincing others requires good oral skills, both in terms of content and form. The proof is in the pudding: there is a discipline called debating, which is very popular and prestigious, and is practised in the greatest Anglo-Saxon universities. Thanks to a proven methodology in private and public organisations, debaters are trained to express themselves in the best conditions. Their objectives? To make an impression and win over the greatest number of people.

Our methodology allows us to free up the floor, bring out new ideas, develop active listening and move towards a strong consensus. Each speaker has only a few minutes to defend his or her convictions. This short time ensures a dynamic and captivating exchange.


Chapter 5

Strong convictions

How do you defend an idea that you hold dear above all else? Remember that no idea is true in itself. You have to make an effort to prove its truth, using logical reasoning... the idea becomes an argument! The speakers are all trained to present their arguments in a structured, clear and educational way. They learn how to present their arguments in a structured, clear and pedagogical way. They will then be able to use this method during business meetings, professional presentations or media training.

The secrets of good argumentation



Statement of the argument


Definition and description


Logical analysis and explanations


Examples and evidence


Chapter 6

Listen to others and refute their opinions

Debate is about confronting conflicting ideas. Knowing how to listen to others, even if you totally disagree, is a quality for co-constructing a truth that is richer than the mere sum of personal opinions taken separately. Debate provides time for interaction, questioning and responding to different opinions.

"Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. »

- Gandhi


Chapter 7

The end of the soft consensus

With the debate, the soft consensus signs its death warrant! There is nothing worse than decisions taken without conviction, or worse, when even before the discussion begins, the die is already cast. To change things quickly, to lift mountains, to get up determined every morning and to face the new challenges that constantly arise, you have to be convinced by the ideas that you are carrying.

The debate is a great way to create a space for intelligent and caring exchange. Depending on the exchanges, clear next steps can be identified to then take action and change the course of things!


The Art of Debate

Learn how to convince your audience with well-founded arguments and develop excellent active listening skills.

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